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  For God`s Sake, Think Social Engagement...not just `likes` and `shares

For God`S Sake, Think Social Engagement...Not Just `Likes` And `Shares

by Ashwin Razdan

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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Welcome to the world of Social Media a territory where users have already created their network. They upload content, `like` or `dislike` what they see, and interact with their friends every day, every hour and sometimes every minute! This new segment of a highly expressive audience has defined interests, and is not shy of voicing its opinion. The phenomenal growth of such a population makes it important for brands to be more `social` than ever before, and `engage` with their audience to create a positive environment online. This will not only lead to an effective word-of-mouth, but will result in higher sales (especially for product-based companies). This book provides a methodological approach to defining why your brand needs to be online, how to discover what will work for you, and finally, how to engage the right audience. You will also learn what pieces of information make an excellent analytic report and how social media investments can be justified. ISBN 9789380828879

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