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  Seventeen and Done (You Bet!)

Seventeen And Done (You Bet!)

by Vibha Batra

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 195.00
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  Rinki has everything she needs to go crazy with: bickering boys, a bitchy grandma, boring books, and the Biggest B of them all: Board Exams.

Rinki and her wolf pack are back in action. And they have company in the form of Google (Mr Know-it-all) and Adit (Mr Goody Two-shoes). At last, Rinki has her wish fulfilled. She has two boys fighting over her, er, mostly with her!
Meanwhile, Rinki’s brand new grandmother, Mausiji, is raising hell at home. Her dad (lucky fellow!) is away in Coimbatore. And it’s all up to Rinki to cool tempers down.
At school, things are no better. Board Exams are looming large and Princy is making her feel smaller than ever. Her grades are shrinking and her waistline is growing. School life is about to get over, but not before things get a lot more crazy.
Read the next instalment in the Rinki series and discover why turning seventeen is no walk in the park!

ISBN - 9780143332947

Pages : 200
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