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  C Programming for Scientists and Engineers with Applications

C Programming For Scientists And Engineers With Applications

by Rama N. Reddy

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  Description: C is a favored and widely used programming language, particularly within the fields of science and engineering. C Programming Scientists and Engineers with Applications guides readers through the fundamental, as well as the advanced, concepts of the C programming language as it applies to solving engineering and scientific problems. Ideal for readers with no prior programming experience, this text provides numerous sample problems and their solutions in the areas of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, physics, chemistry, and more. It begins with a chapter focused on the basic terminology relating to hardware, software, and problem definition and solution. From there readers are quickly brought into the key elements of C and will be writing their own code upon completion of Chapter 2. Concepts are then gradually built upon, using a strong, structured approach with syntax and semantics presented in an easy-to understand sentence format. Readers will find C programming for Scientists and Engineers with Applications to be an engaging, user-friendly introduction to this popular language.

Key features include:

· Complete solutions with documentation, code, input, and output are included at the end of each chapter and have been thoroughly run and tested.

· Pointers and dynamic pointers are presented in depth with sample code and complete end-of –chapter solutions.

· Input and output are presented in several ways, including standard input/output and file input/output.

· Provides an early introduction of modular programming concepts and functions.

· Instructor’s resources include an instructor’s manual with solutions to all review and end-of-chapter exercisesISBN - 9789380108346

Pages : 856
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