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  From Sex To Superconsciousness

From Sex To Superconsciousness

by Osho

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 325.00
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  This small, infamous volume has been a bestseller for decades. Why? “ because sex is our basic life energy, and transformation our longing.

Osho approaches the whole subject of sex humanly, humorously and scientifically. No one is born an expert on love and sex; one of life`s joys is to discover its sacredness, simplicity and naturalness. And once we bring understanding and harmony to sex, a door to superconsciousness opens.

What is needed is an understanding, not a suppression. The deeper the understanding, the higher human beings rise. The less the understanding, the more human beings try to suppress. There are never any successful and healthy results out of suppression. Sex is the greatest energy in human life. But one has not to stop at it. Sex has to be transmuted into superconsciousness.

Pages : 325
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