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  CDO and MAPI Programming with Visual Basic

Cdo And Mapi Programming With Visual Basic

by Dave Grundgeiger

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 148.75
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  Computers and devices are more connected now than ever before. Why? Because the humans who use those computers need to collaborate. We need to share information, and we need to do it quickly, without regard to the physical distance that separates us. Corporate solution developers now more than ever have the opportunity and responsibility to enable people to communicate in ways never before possible. CDO and MAPI Programming with Visual Basic: Developing Mail and Messaging Applications dives deep into Microsoft`s Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) and the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), then moves into succinct explanations of the types of useful messaging applications that can be written in Visual Basic. Microsoft has given the Visual Basic community Collaboration Data Objects (CDO)--a technology that goes far beyond simple email, fully into the realm of information workflow. CDO enables Visual Basic applications to exchange not only classic email, but in fact any information in a straightforward and easy way. The Internet--sometimes seen as a barrier by developers--is turned into an open pipe, ready to take your application`s data around the world. Routing documents and building email list servers is just the beginning. Harness the power of worldwide communication in your everyday business applications. MAPI is the cornerstone of messaging on the Windows platforms, and profoundly influences the way you will write your collaboration applications. Understanding this technology lays the foundation for adding effective collaboration capabilities to your own applications. CDO and MAPI Programming with Visual Basic: Developing Mail and Messaging Applications fills a gap in an exciting and relatively young, yet popular, technology that lacks adequate documentation. ISBN 9788173662263

Pages : 388
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