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  Epic Love Stories: Satyavati and Shantanu - A love story made possible by a son`s sacrifice

Epic Love Stories: Satyavati And Shantanu - A Love Story Made Possible By A Son`S Sacrifice

by Ashok Kumar Banker

  Price : Rs 125.00
  Your Price : Rs 110.00
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  The figure of Bhishma looms large in the world’s largest epic, the Mahabharata. Young Devavrata, son of King Shantanu and the late Queen Ganga, has never forgotten his mother’s final words urging him to serve his father and ensure his happiness. After years of pitiful grieving, when
Shantanu’s damaged heart finally reawakens and begins to stir with love for another woman, Devavrata is the happiest of all. When the king’s love for the fisher chief’s daughter Satyavati blooms into full-blown passion, not only Devavrata but the entire kingdom is thrilled: finally their beloved king will find happiness again. But an unrelenting condition placed by the
fisher chief makes it nigh impossible for Shantanu to seal the match. When Devavrata realizes that his father is willing to sacrifice his last chance at happiness for him, he himself steps forward to
offer a terrible vow and sacrifice, one that will change not only his life but the course of history itself. Plucked like a fragrant blossom from the
pages of his own Mahabharata Series, Ashok presents this heart-moving story of love and sacrifice in his own inimitable style.

ISBN - 9789382618300

Pages : 92
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