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  Integrated Pest Management: Principles And Applications (Volume-2) Applications

Integrated Pest Management: Principles And Applications (Volume-2) Applications

by Amerika Singh, O.P. Sharma, D.K. Garg

  Price : Rs 2095.00
  Your Price : Rs 1676.00
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  The book describes eco-friendly pest management strategies for major crops of economic importance. The details of key potential pests and their integrated pest management (IPM) along with colour photographs will help the reader to identify pests the damage caused by them and their natural enemies. Conserving and encouraging natural enemies of the pests is a major feature of IPM and of this book. As IPM minimises the use of pesticides and maximises the use of various biological and cultural measures to manage the pests it will result in production of high quality produce at lower cost and satisfy consumer demand for clean and green produce. IPM is also environment-friendly and safer for farmers and farm workers. This book will prove a valuable reference for researchers students teachers extension workers pest scouts agribusiness personnel home gardeners and others interested in integrated pest management.This volume deals with application part of IPM strategies in economically important crops such as cotton sugarcane rice wheat pigeon pea chickpea soybean oilseeds groundnut maize minor millets vegetables coconut mango apple tea medicinal plants citrus onion and garlic.

Field validated IPM technologies at various institutions at farm as well as farmers field for each crop have been described for key pests and gaps in knowledge identified for future guidance. This book will serve as resource book for various technologies successfully tried in compatible manner with available resources and infrastructures. Implementation of IPM strategies will lead to sustainable production and to achieve targets of 2020 within the framework of eco-friendly approaches apart from bringing down the pesticide consumption in high input crops. The technologies will help in production of crops in eco-friendly manner which will help our farmers to compete with green/clean farm produce even in international market.ISBN - 9798123912553

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