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   Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics: For WBUT

Engineering Drawing And Computer Graphics: For Wbut

by M. B. Shah B. C. Rana

  Price : Rs 270.00
  Your Price : Rs 221.40
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  This book has been customized keeping in mind the specific requirements of the B.Tech, 1st year Semester I syllabus of the West Bengal University of Technology. Compiled using the bestselling textbook to map exactly to the syllabus, Engineering Drawing & Computer Graphics provides students with multifaceted and all-inclusive information—exactly what they need to excel in the exam. The highly readable style will allow students to become conversant with the subject easily.
Salient Features

Improved pedagogy such as learning goals through objectives, recapitulation of concepts through solved examples, and application of concepts through exercises.
Huge range of problem sets, including new exercises
Learning goals through stated objectives
Overview of the chapter through introductions

ISBN - 9788131756119

Pages : 316
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