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   Electronic Circuits Analysis: For JNTU

Electronic Circuits Analysis: For Jntu

by B. Visvesvara Rao K. Raja Rajeswari P. Chalam Raju Pantulu K. Bhaskara Rama Murthy

  Price : Rs 299.00
  Your Price : Rs 245.18
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Electronic Circuit Analysis is designed to serve as a textbook for the fourth-semester undergraduate course on electronic circuits analysis at (JNTUK). It engages with the subject from its basic principles, providing detailed coverage on the design and analysis of electronic circuits, and offers a rich repertoire of solved examples and exercise problems to enhance learning.

Salient Features

Discussion of amplifiers and voltage regulators
In-depth analysis of power amplifiers
JFET and MOSFET circuit design and analysis explained using graphical methods
Detailed explanation of feedback amplifiers and oscillators with input and output waveforms

ISBN - 9788131768952

Pages : 444
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