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  Financial Accounting 11th Edition

Financial Accounting 11Th Edition

by Marian Powers, Belverd E. Needles

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  FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, 11e, continues a distinguished tradition of combining academic needs with professional thought to prepare students for a dynamic business world. Through market-leading integration of International Federal Reporting Standard coverage and real-world data, trusted pedagogy, and a clear writing style that simplifies complex concepts, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, 11e, develops the judgment and critical-thinking skills students will need to succeed. The new edition is fully updated for IFRS, includes unique elements on ratio analysis, and offers two unique choices for online homework software: Cengage NOW and Aplia.

Key Features

Financial Statements – Students are introduced to financial statements in Chapter 1 to ensure they hone their decision-making skills with real-world examples. Beginning with the "How to Read an Annual Report" supplement to Chapter 1, students examine the CVS financial statements and are provided with the annual report for Southwest Airlines as a point of comparison. "The Annual Report Project" after Chapter 4 solidifies this critical skill. In addition, the "Focus on Financial Statements" graphic found at the beginning of each chapter reinforces the connection between the financial statements and each chapter``s topics, while the "Focus on Financial Statement Elements" graphic presented with selected ratios shows the relationships among the financial statement numbers. Finally, end-of-chapter Annual Report and Comparison Analysis cases require students to interact with major portions of annual reports.
Relevancy in Today``s Business World – More than 230 publicly held companies as well as international, governmental, and not-for-profit organizations are used as illustrative examples. In addition, each chapter begins with a "Decision Point" that shows how real companies use accounting information to make decisions. Students will instantly recognize the decision-point companies, each of which is among Business Week``s Top Brands, Most Innovative companies, and/or Infotect-100. Examples from the Decision Point companies are integrated throughout the chapters and, at the end of each chapter, "A Look Back" boxes revisit the Decision Point companies and prompt students to hone their critical-thinking skills by examining the impact of the chapter concepts on the focus company. Furthermore, each chapter includes several "Focus on Business Practice" boxes, which illustrate accounting concepts and practices in the context of the general business world.
Developing Ethical Business Leaders – The need for students to analyze business situations and make informed, ethical decisions is essential in today``s world. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING weaves ethical considerations throughout the chapter so that students learn to consistently think of the ethical implications of their actions. In addition, Ethical Dilemma cases at the end of the chapter ask students to consider issues they may encounter in their future careers.
Solid Student Pedagogy – The pedagogical features in FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING reflect the authors`` active teaching and researching experience. Clearly presented learning objectives, which provide students with a framework course concepts, lead students from concepts to applications. These learning objectives are based on Bloom``s taxonomy and have been refined over many editions. In addition, in-chapter features help focus students on skills that will be most important to them. For example, accounting equations next to important journal entries reinforce the impact of the transaction on the financial statements and "Study Notes" highlight important information and provide useful tips on ways to avoid common mistakes. Finally, revised and enhanced "Stop and Apply" features following each learning objective section review key concepts and information by providing a discussion questions or solved exercises that reinforce the connection between individual transactions and financial statements.
Developing Decision Making and Critical Thinking Skills – The need for students to go beyond learning basic concepts and be able to analyze business situations and make informed decisions is critical for success. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING is decision-oriented, reflecting how information in the financial statements can be used in investing in, loaning money to, and operating a business and how the consequences of business decisions affect the financial statements. In addition, the "User Insight" requirements of select items develop students`` abilities to make sound business decisions based on financial information.
ISBN - 9788131518434

Pages : 750
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