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  Don`t Kill Him !: The story of my life with Bhagwan Rajneesh

Don`T Kill Him !: The Story Of My Life With Bhagwan Rajneesh

by Ma Anand Sheela

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 230.00
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  As His personal secretary between 1981 and 1985, and the second-in-command of His organization, Ma Anand Sheela enjoyed an enviably close relationship with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Bhagwan called upon her when He wanted to discuss personal issues, crucial administrative matters, run minor errands, and to even place an order for a new Rolls-Royce. Ma Sheela was His confidante, His closest aide, the person He trusted more than anyone else. She ruled the entire commune under His guidance . . . until differences crept up. What followed next, soon became part of Bhagwans infamous history, as after years of loyal service, Ma Sheela resigned from her position, left the commune, and fled to Europe with fellow members. An infuriated Rajneesh wasted no time in accusing her of planning a bio-terror attack, conspiring to murder important public officials, and running away with fifty-five million dollars. Ma Sheela pled guilty to some of the charges in court and spent thirty-nine months in prison. Now, almost two decades later, Ma Sheela, still in love with Bhagwan and His teachings, finally tells her side of the story, claiming that the truth was very different, and sheds light on that part of Bhagwans life which has so far been shrouded in a cover of secrecy and darkness . . .


A candid memoir, written by Oshos famous personal secretary MA Sheela, on their life together from Poona to Rajneeshpuram, Oregon and beyond.
Offers a rare sneak peek into Oshos controversial ashrams and his unconven- tional personal life.
An easy, racy read which is revealing at times and scandalizing at others.
Contains a chronology of events, rare pictures of Osho and his ashrams, and excerpts from Oshos world-famous discourses and books.

ISBN - 9788172344443

Pages : 312
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