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  Maximize Your Health with the Blood Type Diet

Maximize Your Health With The Blood Type Diet

by James L. D

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 280.00
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  Dr. James D???Adamo burst onto the world of natural medicine in the 1970s with his revolutionary discovery of, and approach to, healing based on a person???s blood type. This book comes almost 30 years later, as people around the world have increasingly awakened to the efficacy of natural remedies . . . and at a time when the American health-care system is increasingly failing the public. In this fascinating book, Dr. D???Adamo exhorts us to take responsibility for our own health and prevent chronic degenerative diseases using his newest discoveries, which has given him the opportunity to treat more than 50,000 patients. He explains which foods and exercises are right for each of us, what assets and liabilities we???re born with, and how our minds can work to better process information. This book contains Dr. D???Adamo???s most up-to-date and comprehensive teachings; and includes recipes, exercise regimens, and a panoply of natural therapies he recommends to the patients at his institute. This book is the consummate statement on natural healing from this generation???s most original naturopath. As Dr. D???Adamo writes: ???We are all here for a purpose, and we can only aspire to our physical and spiritual fulfillment when the body is healthy and the mind clear. Blood types are a Truth of Nature and, if followed, will provide a person with the physical and spiritual health that Nature has intended for them.??? ISBN-9789381431252

Pages : 336
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