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  Analysis and Design of Substructures: Limit State Design

Analysis And Design Of Substructures: Limit State Design

by Swami Saran

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  The book offers a systematic treatment of the analysis and design of substructures. The aim of the book has been to deal with a substructure in its entirety, involving soil exploration, laboratory testing, analysis and structural design.

The book covers the major types of foundations and retaining structures including footings and rafts, piles and wells. It is intended for use by undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering and also by practicing engineers. The book has fifteen chapters. The first six chapters deal with the engineering properties of soil, principles of soil exploration and limit state design, general design principles of foundations and earth pressures. The next six chapters cover the analysis and design of shallow foundations, pile foundations, bridge substructures, marine substructures, rigid and flexible retaining walls. Since expansive soils are important in many areas of the world, a separate chapter on foundations in expansive soils has been included. A chapter on the design of foundations of transmission towers has also been included in view of its importance. Reinforced earth has great potential as a material in the construction of retaining structures and ground improvement, the last chapter of the book is devoted to this theme.

The design methodology is based on limit-state principles. A large number of illustrative examples and designs have been included in the text. Both analysis and design are based on the latest state-of-the-art and I.S. Codes available on the particular theme.ISBN-9788120417007

Pages : 872
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