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  Abashyik Bangla Sahayika (Bengali Express Learning Book): For University of Burdwan

Abashyik Bangla Sahayika (Bengali Express Learning Book): For University Of Burdwan

by Shyamali Rakshit

  Price : Rs 110.00
  Your Price : Rs 90.20
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Abashyik Bangla Sahayika is a book covering the entire syllabus of compulsory Bengali, following the question pattern of Burdwan university. The book has been divided into -chapters which has almost all the probable questions and answers with narrative as well as analytical structure.
Salient Features

1. Cover the entire Syllabus
2. Follows the question-and-answer format
3. Makes learning fast & effective
4. Provide Precise and up-to-date information
5. Helps students excel in their examinations ISBN - 9788131773598

Pages : 232
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