Immunology: A Comprehensive Review offers the essential ideas ofimmunology as a quick reference for students, practitioners, and veterinarytechnicians. This concise student supplementary text covers all of the basics ofimmunology, including chapters on the origin and function of hemopoietic andlymphopoietic cells; non-specific immunity; antigens; complement; cell receptorsand cytokines associated with the immune response; specific immune responses;responses to bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminthes, and tumors. The organizationfollows a natural progression, beginning with basic concepts and proceeding towhat immunity does to protect the body and what happens when things go wrong. The book covers all aspects of immunology; a thoroughdiscussion of immunodiagnostic techniques and AIDS; excellent figures andtables illustrating principles and summarizing data; end-of-chapterglossaries supplementing the cumulative glossary; a comprehensive list ofMilestones in Immunology. This book will greatly aidstudents in grasping the difficult and important subject of immunology. ISBN - 9781405122696
Pages : 182