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  ColdFusion 9 Developer Tutorial

Coldfusion 9 Developer Tutorial

by John Farrar

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 510.00
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  Adobe ColdFusion is an application server, renowned for rapid development of dynamic websites, with a straightforward language (CFML), powerful methods for packaging and reusing your code, and AJAX support that will get developers deep into powerful web applications quickly. However, developing rich and robust web applications can be a real challenge as it involves multiple processes.

With this practical guide, you will learn how to build professional ColdFusion applications. Packed with example code, and written in a friendly, easy-to-read style, this book is just what you need if you are serious about ColdFusion.

This book will give you clear, concise, and practical guidance to take you from the basics of ColdFusion 9 to the skills that will make you a ColdFusion developer to be reckoned with. It also covers the new features of ColdFusion 9 like ORM Database Interaction and CF Builder.

ColdFusion expert John Farrar will teach you the basics of ColdFusion programming, application architecture, and object reuse, before showing you a range of topics including AJAX library integration, RESTful Web Services, PDF creation and manipulation, and dynamically generated presentation files that will make you the toast of your ColdFusion developer town.

This book digs deep with the basics, with real-world examples of the how and whys, to get more done faster with ColdFusion 9.

Get up to speed in ColdFusion and learn how to integrate it with other Web 2.0 technologie ISBN 9789350232132

Pages : 396
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