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  Global Warming: Origin, Significance and Management

Global Warming: Origin, Significance And Management

by R. Chattopadhyay And Mandira Chatterjee

  Price : Rs 1200.00
  Your Price : Rs 1056.00
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  Written in simple language, this is an excellent book on the subject of Global Warming. It presents in a systematic manner all important aspects of the subject. At the end of each chapter there is a summary and there is also a list of references for it. At the end of the book there is a consolidated bibliography. What adds additional value is an excellent Index at the end. The contents, format and presentation style make it amply clear that the authors have a very good understanding of the subject.
There is an Introduction and then the book presents an extensive coverage of the subject under twenty chapters divided into two sections. The chapter titles are listed to indicate the excellent logical arrangement of information and discussion.
Section I “ The Earth`s atmosphere, Weather and climate change, solar beam and global heating, Global warming and climate change, Greenhouse gases and climate change, Biome and ecology, the Earth`s systems-spheres and cycles.
Section II “ Managing global warming “ methodologies, Global efforts-efforts-UN and nations, Carbon management system-emission limits, carbon sequestration and geoengineering, Fossils and alternative energy sources, CHG management in manufacturing industries. Transportation, Conservation of biomes and buffers, Agriculture and emission management, Waste management, Emission trading and biomass, corporate social responsibility and climate change.
The coverage is so comprehensive that this book can serve as a reference text in teaching the subject. The authors explain many not so well known topics in simple language. To cite an example at random one may consider chapter 7 on Biomes and Ecology. The book explains that a Biome contains a large area with similar flora, fauna and micro organisms. There are six types“fresh water, marine, desserts, forests, grassland and tundra and then proceeds to discuss the characteristic features of each and their roles in global warming. The largest biome that is the water that occupies two thirds of the Earth`s surface, of course, plays the most important role.
Chapter 20 on Corporate Social Responsibility and Climate Change gives the book an excellent ending. This is relevant in the context of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) which has declared the 2012 Environment Day (June 5) as Green Economy Day.
The brief bio data of the authors as given in the book show that their credentials are of high order. The first author, former Head R&D, Larsen and Tubro, has done pioneering work on conservation of resources and energy for all major industries in India and has, previously, published other books. The second author who now teaches geography at the post graduate level in N K College under Mumbai University also has to her credit several publications and books that relate to environmental studies.
This book should be ˜must read` for all those who are interested in the area of global warming, its adverse effects and possible remedial measures. The reviewer finds a few language or typographical errors. Perhaps the only negative comment he can make relates to some figures not being so clear (e.g. Figs 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 etc) because of having too much information in too little space. However, this minor shortcoming may be ignored. The reviewer highly recommends this book for all readers who desire to understand the subject of global warming better. ISBN-9788182204683

Pages : 335
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