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  Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Application & Skill Development

Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Application & Skill Development

by Lussier Robert N.

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Using a three-pronged approach of concepts, applications, and skill development, MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS: CONCEPTS, APPLICATIONS, SKILL DEVELOPMENT, gives students a solid foundation of management concepts and skills they can use in the workplace. Through a variety of thought-provoking applications, Lussier challenges students to think critically and apply concepts to their own experiences. Proven skill-building exercises, behavioural models, self-assessments, and group exercises throughout the text help students realize their managerial potential. The 14-chapter format is comprehensive enough for a one-term course, yet flexible enough to allow for additional readings, activities, or discussions Ideas on Management chapter-opening vignettes are used in each chapter. They examine a company that is familiar to students, such as the Gap clothing store, and link this company to the chapter topic. Throughout the chapter, the opening vignette is revisited, further linking the chapter material to a well-known company.

· Learning Outcomes: At the beginning of each chapter, conceptual priorities—stated as learning outcomes—are highlighted. Later, as chapters unfold, learning outcomes are repeated so that students are aware of the pedagogical support underlying each outcome, ensuring that they stay connected to the chapter``s core concepts.

· Skill-Builder Exercises: True to the text``s drill-and-practice approach, these end-of-chapter skill-building exercises provide hands-on experiments in the practice and application of management skills. Students work through the exercises on their own, but options for in-class debriefing and group work are provided in the accompanying Instructor``s Manual.

· Video Cases provide students with another relevant link from the chapter topic and material to a popular movie, as well as to real-life companies.

· Applying the Concept Boxes: Several short multiple-choice exercises appear in each chapter to gauge student understanding of key concepts as they continue their reading.

· Work Applications: A unique self-study tool, these short applications ask students to take a quick inventory of their experiences and relate them to managerial roles, resources, functions, and decisions.

· In-Text Self-Assessments: These student-centered and practice-oriented assessments are designed to reinforce the students`` growing management skills and insight.

· Join the Discussion Ethics and Social Responsibility Boxes: Every chapter includes boxed essays on issues of ethics and social responsibility.

· Objective Cases: A short real-world case is included in every chapter to test students`` analytic and problem-solving skills. A range of application questions—multiple choice, true-false, short essay—concludes each case and ensures that case issues are thoroughly explored. ISBN - 9788131518267

Pages : 608
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