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  Effective Leadership

Effective Leadership

by Achua Christopher F.

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  The most practical leadership textbook on the market, EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 5E, uses a unique three-pronged approach to teach leadership concepts and theory, and takes students to the next level by developing their competencies in applying the concepts and development leadership skills they can immediately start using in their personal and professional lives. The authors combine traditional theory with cutting-edge leadership topics in a concise presentation that is packed with real-world examples. The text constantly puts the student in the leadership role engaging them in applying the concepts, as well as providing step-by-step behavior models for effectively handling leadership functions. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 5E innovative three-pronged approach provides the greatest array and quality of learning opportunities. AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards: They have been changed in Chapter 1 to the new list published in 2011. Each Developing Your Leadership Skills Exercise identifies the AACSB skills and competencies to be practiced through completion of the exercise.
Step-by-Step Models: Several sets of how-to steps for handling day-to-day leadership functions are integrated into the context of the chapter or skill-building exercises, giving students a proven model to follow as leaders, including writing objectives, giving praise, coaching, resolving conflict, and delegating.
Work Applications: These questions bring the leadership concept into the student``s world by asking them to apply concepts to their own work experiences, either full-time, part-time, or summer jobs.
Developing Your Leadership Skills (called Skill-Builders in the 5e): Unlike competitors`` exercises that are simply discussion oriented, ours develop leadership skills students can employ immediately in their personal and professional lives.
NEW COURSEMATE (WITH eBOOK) PREMIUM WEBSITE, INCLUDING A ROBUST SET OF ENGAGEMENT & STUDY TOOLS: Engaging, trackable, and affordable, this new CourseMate website offers a dynamic way to bring course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support this printed edition of the text. Watch student comprehension soar with all-new flash cards and engaging games, streaming videos, quizzes and more in this textbook-specific website. A complete e-book provides you with the choice of an entire online learning experience. The Engagement Tracker tool, when used, provides you with the ability to identify at-risk students while it``s still early enough to help, and also allows you to see what resources your student find most valuable. It goes beyond the book to deliver what you need!
NEW References and examples: More than 80 percent of the references are new to the Fifth Edition (5e).
NEW Chapter Coverage: There has been a re-organization of chapters. Chapters 4 (now Contingency Leadership Theories) and 5 (now Influencing: Power, Politics, Networking, and Negotiation) have been reversed so that the three major leadership theories (trait, behavioral, and contingency) are presented in this sequence, one theory in each chapter.
Chapter 1 title has been changed to include the skills leaders need. There is a new major section "Leadership Skills" to identify and describe the three important skills that leaders need to be successful.
Chapter 7 title has been changed from Leader-Follower Relations to Leader-Member Relations and Followership. The increasing attention on followers in the leadership literature has led to many academicians and even practitioners questioning why current textbooks on leadership don``t address this topic adequately. We have addressed it in chapter 7 and feel that it is a significant topic to be featured in the chapter title. ISBN - 9788131519455

Pages : 570
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