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   Essence of Hindu Religion and Philosophy

Essence Of Hindu Religion And Philosophy

by D. Jagannatha Rao

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  Description: Literature pertaining to the Hindu religion and philosophy is an ocean in itself. This book aims to provide a bird’s eye view (along with a deeper understanding) of all aspects of the Hindu religion and its various philosophies to the general reader. The book also helps the students of Indology, Indian Studies and Ancient Indian History to get a comprehensive perspective about the Hindu religion. One important feature of the book is that it discusses the origins of the Vedic religion in the light of latest discoveries and evidences.

While the book deals with all aspects of the Hindu religion, the most important feature of the book however is the discussion of several prominent Hindu concepts according to their number symbolism unprecedented in any other book.

Contents: 1. An Introduction to Hindu Religion: Sanatana Dharma, Defining Hindu Religion, Unique Characteristics of Hindu Religion – Dharma, Kama, Samsara, Samskara, Yoga, Karma, Early Vedic Gods, Evolution of the Concepts of Brahman, Trinity, Evolution of Major Hindu Sects, Secular Concepts, Bhakti Movements

2. The Essence of Hindu Scriptures: Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Brahma Sutras, Smritis, Epics – Ramayana and Mahabharata, Puranas; Agamas

3. The Essence of Hindu Dharma: Concept and Essence of Dharma, Paapa and Punya, Trivarga Sidhanta, Yoga, Hindu Rituals, Gotra, Ashramas, Renunciation, Significance of Om, and Varnashrama Dharma

4. Origins of Vedic Religion (and Re-dating of Various Periods): Sources of Ancient Indian History, The Puranas as Historical Sources, Distortions in Writing Ancient Indian History, The Myth that Aryans came from Central Asia, The BMAC Discoveries, Re-dating of – Vedic Period, Epic Period, Post Epic Period, Scholastic Period, Modern Contemporary Period

5. Evolution of Indian Philosophic Thought: Part I: Shad Darshanas: Classical Systems of Indian Philosophy, Astika/Nastika Schools; Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, Uttara Mimamsa

6. Evolution of Indian Philosophic Thought: Part II: Vedanta: Evolution of Vedantic Thought, The central theme of Vedanta, Comparison of Three Major Vedantic Schools; (i) Advaita – Origins, Accomplishments of Adi Shankara, Essence of Advaita Vedanta, Brahman, Three Levels of Truth, Avidya and Maya, Iswara as Vishnu. (ii) Visisthadvaita – Ubhaya Vedanta, Historical, Social and Religious Backgrounds, Life of Ramanuja, Basis of Ramanuja’s Philosophy, Essence of Visisth-advaita, Brahman and Atman, Vishnu as a Personal God. (iii) Dvaita – Confusion of Identities, Historical Background, Life of Madhva, Founding of Krishna Matha, Essence of Dvaita Sidhanta, Two Levels of Reality, Vishnu Sarvothamatva, Pancha Bheda, Taratamya, Classification of Souls and Mukti, Nava-Vidha Bhakti.

7. Evolution of Indian Philosophic Thought: Part III: Bhakti and Bheda-Abheda Sidhanta: Rise of Vaishnava Bhakti Movements in North India, Concept of Bheda-abheda, Bheda-abheda Philosophers: Bhaskara, Yadava Prakasha, Nimbarka, Vallabha, Krishna Chaitanya, Vignana Bhikshu, Major Differences between Bheda-abheda and Other Vedantic Schools, Types of Bheda- abheda Sidhanta: Aupadhika, Svabhavika and Achintya Bheda-abheda, Other Bhakti Saints: Jayadeva, Jnaneshwar, Namdev, Kabir, Tulsidas, Samarth Ramdas

8. Evolution of Indian Philosophic Thought: Part IV: Shaiva Sidhanta
(i) Shaiva Sidhanta: Origins, Evolution and Essence of Shaiva Sidhanta; Manifestations of Shiva, Concept of Bheda- abheda, Pashas – Anava, Karma and Maya; 36 Shiva Tatvas, Evolution of the Soul, Spiritual Liberation through Charya, Kriya, Yoga, Jnana; Shaiva Sub-Sects (ii)Veerashaiva Sidhanta: Origins, Basaveswara, Unique Features, Shakti Visisthadvaita – Pancha-chara, Asthavarana, Shat-Sthala Sidhanta; Shoonya Sampadane, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Dasoha, Anubhava Mantapa.

9. Worship of the Mother Goddess: Origins, Devi as the Supreme Goddess, Shaakta Literature, Shaakta Sidhanta, Sri Vidyopasana, Lalita Sahasranama, Dasha-Maha Vidya, Samaya Mata and Kaula Mata, Shakti Yoga, Shat Chakra, Worship of Different Forms of Goddess, Popularity of Goddess as Shakti

10. Essence of Bhagavad Gita: The Context of the Gita, Relevance of Gita to the Present Day World, War as an Allegory, Goal of the Gita, Essence of the Gita, Gita as ‘Yogopanishad’, Essence of – Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga, Synthesis of the Various Paths of Yoga

11. Worship of Major Hindu Gods: Vishnu, Shiva, Surya, Hanuman, (Subramanya); (Skanda) Ganesha, Concept of Panchayatana Puja; Hindu Temples, Tantrism in Hindu Religion

12. Punarjanma: Reincarnation in Other Religions, Punarjanma Sidhanta, Punarjanma as Described by Gita, Intermediate Stage between Death and Rebirth, Reasons for Punarjanma, Views of Adi Shankara and Madhva, Buddhist Views, Heaven and Hell

Annexure: 1. Jain and Buddhist Philosophies: Comparison of Jainism and Buddhism, Tirthankars, Essence of Jain Philosophy, Influence of Jain Philosophy on Hindu Thought, Buddhist Philosophy, Three Marks of Existence, Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, The Principle of Karma, Impact of Buddhism on Hindu Religion and Philosophy.

2. Modern Indian Philosophers: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

3. Sikhism: Influence of Hindu Bhakti Movement on Sikhism, Origins, Khalsa, Guru Granth Sahib, Gurdwara, Essence of Sikh Philosophy

4. Hindu Religious Concepts (Associated with Single Numbers): Shoonya, Ananta, Duality of Concepts, Trinity, Tapatraya, Ashramas, Chaturmasya Vrata, Dhanur Vidya, Pancha Brahma, Pancha Tatva, Pancha Bhuta, Pancha Yagna, Arishadvarga, Sapta Loka, Sapta Shati, Chiranjivis, Sapta- Rishis, Asta-Vasus, Ashta Lakshmi, Ashta Dikpalakas, Ashta Mathas, Navavidha Bhakti, Nava-Bhaya

5. Hindu Religious Concepts (Associated with Compound Numbers): Dashavatara, 11 Types of Bhakti, Dwadasha Jyotirlinga, 12 Methods of Obtaining Children, Shodashopachara Puja, 32 Different forms of Vinayaka, 64 Kalas, 108 Beads in a Rosary, Sahasranama, Vedic Form of Counting

6. Symbolism of Numbers in Astrology and Numerology: Impact of Numbers on Human Life, Navagrahas, Numbers and Planets, Numbers and Human Behaviour, Numbers and Music, Numbers and the Zodiac, Numbers and Names, Harmony, Attraction and Repulsion between Numbers, Astrological Significance of Planets – Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu

7. Pancha Tantra

8. How Many Fought the Mahabharata War?

9. Information Relating to Vedas

Epilogue • Bibliography ISBN - 9788130919874

Pages : 300
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