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  Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 Expert Guide

Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 Expert Guide

by Edward J. Cody, Emily M. Vose

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting is one of many products in the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus software suite, an industry-leading business intelligence platform. The primary focus of the Interactive Reporting product is to provide strong relational querying and data analysis capabilities, where the software provides significant flexibility for creating custom dashboards, interfaces, and data analysis routines through the use of JavaScript programming and built-in software functionality. While Interactive Reporting is extremely flexible, performing advanced operations in the software is complicated and requires basic programming knowledge and an advanced understanding of the software. This book continues from where The Business Analyst`s Guide to Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 completed and provides the reader with the information to successfully execute the advanced features of the product along with examples and specific techniques applicable to everyday use.

The Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting 11 Expert Guide provides software users and developers with many examples of the techniques used by software experts. The book begins with an introduction to leveraging advanced features of the project and an introduction to JavaScript. Dashboards are a major focus of the book with four chapters focused on building a simple to complex dashboard including functions, global objects, and syncing selections across dashboards. The book places an emphasis on learning methods for data analysis by using advanced programming and built-in functions, and a unique approach to using code to generate batch reports and exports is provided. The Dashboard Studio Optimize Utility and the Dashboard Studio Merge utility are explained in detail, and the approach to building and using a central code repository for use in dashboards and computations across multiple documents in an enterprise is demonstrated.

This book will help the reader become an expert user of the software, providing the skills necessary to understand, communicate, and perform advanced level tasks. The authors` experience in developing and supporting Interactive Reporting users is very apparent throughout each chapter of the book. While the book displays content and examples from version 11 of the software, the book is also applicable to previous versions of the software dating back to version 8, so readers not currently using Interactive Reporting 11 will find the book applicable to daily use with the product. ISBN 9789350237441

Pages : 288
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