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  Control Systems 2nd Edition

Control Systems 2Nd Edition

by Anoop K. Jairath, Saket Kumar

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  “State Variable Analysis of Control Systems-Conventional and MATLAB” offers a simple and practical approach to the study and analysis of control systems. The book takes a plunge into the exciting field of control system analysis via conventional method and use of MATLAB strengthens the theoretical study with the help of MATLAB application software. The initial chapters are devoted to the basic study of the control systems and understanding of the MATLAB computing environment. Emphasis has been laid in a systematic manner to drive home the basic principles of the control systems with solved examples. The aim is to ensure that once the reader acquires the basic graduation competency, the theoretical and practical problems faced in their long career are linked, visualized and investigated quickly with the help of MATLAB.

Each chapter starts with the learning objectives. Mid way key points learnt are highlighted and the end of each chapter presents the rundown of the entire chapter. A number of solved problems exemplify the basic principles and the review exercises help the students to practice on their own. It is also an ideal reference book to the control system engineers.

-This book is very useful for the PG and UG programmes pertaining to Electrical, Electronics and Communication, Electronics and Instrumentation and Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
-The book will tremendously help the students appearing in competitive examinations like IES, GATE etc
-It presents a simple approach and hence is easily read and understood.
-It contains the basics of MATLAB computing environment.
-MATLAB examples are integrated with the conventional approach.
-Every chapter has solved problems and examples.

1. Introduction 2. Matrices 3. Laplace Transform 4. MATLAB Basics 5. Control System: Basic Theory 6. State-Space Concepts and Analysis of State-Equations 7. State-Space Modeling 8. Controllability and Observability 9. SimulinkISBN - 9789382127741

Pages : 476
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