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  Introduction to Probability and Statistics 13/e

Introduction To Probability And Statistics 13/E

by Mendenhall William

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 509.15
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  Used by hundreds of thousands of students since its first edition, INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, Thirteenth Edition, continues to blend the best of its proven coverage with new innovations. While retaining the straightforward presentation and traditional outline for descriptive and inferential statistics, this new edition incorporates helpful learning aids like MyPersonal Trainer, MyApplet, and MyTip to ensure that students learn and understand the relevance of the material. Written for the higher end of the traditional introductory statistics market, the book takes advantage of modern technologyincluding computational software and interactive visual toolsto facilitate statistical reasoning as well as the interpretation of statistical results. In addition to showing how to apply statistical procedures, the authors explain how to describe real sets of data meaningfully, what the statistical tests mean in terms of their practical applications, how to evaluate the validity of the assumptions behind statistical tests, and what to do when statistical assumptions have been violated. Users will also appreciate the book`s error-free material and exercises. The new edition retains the statistical integrity, examples, exercises, and exposition that have made this text a market leaderand builds upon this tradition of excellence with new technology integration. Market leader: The integrity of the statistics and the quality of the examples and exercises keep INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, Thirteenth Edition, in the bestseller category. Comprehensive in coverage, it delivers a more rigorous offering with traditional coverage of probability. Instructors and students alike appreciate its error-free material and exercises.
Noted expertise: More than 35 years of teaching and writing experience contribute to the clear exposition and interesting, effective examples and exercises in INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, Thirteenth Edition.
Real data: The first to incorporate case studies and real data, Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver continues to set the standard. Many examples and exercises use authentic data sets, helping students see the connections between their studies and their lives.
Quick reference: At the end of each chapter, Key Concepts and Formulas sections provide quick reference for students, helping them ensure they are well prepared for assignments and tests.
MyPersonal Trainer: Found in most chapters, MyPersonal Trainer offers further explanation of some of the more difficult concepts using detailed definitions and/or step-by-step hints on problem solving. These sections are followed by "Exercise Reps" that offer practice in the required statistical methods, providing immediate feedback with answers located on a loose located inside the text.
MyApplet: Customized specifically to match the presentation and notation of this book, special applet demonstrations help students visualize key concepts. In addition, MyApplet Exercises appear in the end-of-chapter material and ask students to use applets to solve key problems.
WebAssign: The most widely used homework system in higher education, WebAssign allows you to assign, collect, grade, and record homework assignments via the Web.
MyTip: Located within the margin, MyTips offer students training tips on key ideas and methods.
Expanded exercises: The book includes more than 1,300 exercises, many of which are new or updated for this edition.
MyMINITAB: MINITAB output and instructions for versions 14 and 15 follow each chapter, giving students hands-on experience performing statistical analysis with this widely used software. ISBN - 9788131518502

Pages : 764
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