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  Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

by Pawan Kumar Oberoi

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 220.00
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  ˜Optimization Techniques` has been so designed as to familiarize a beginner with the basic concepts of optimization techniques. It has been written to serve the students, teachers and scholars of BBA and MBA. It has been designed with two objectives in mind:

· to make student of management aware of the importance of optimization techniques in the solution of business problems; and

· to give student sufficient grounding in the most commonly used quantitative techniques so that they may use them effectively in decision-making.

The book departs from the heavy mathematical orientation generally experienced in the treatment of the subject matter. It presents the techniques and their computational aspects within a real world business environment. Each chapter explains the techniques using illustrative examples. A set of graded exercises (with answers) concludes each chapter to provide an opportunity for the keen students to reinforce what he learns, to test his progress and increase his confidence. However, the method of presentation and the arrangement of the subject matter reflects an approach to the exposition of quantitative techniques for business and highlights clarity and understandability. ISBN-9788182204010

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