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  Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit, 2nd Edition

Pragmatic Unit Testing In C# With Nunit, 2Nd Edition

by Prabhakar Chaganti

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  New for the Second Edition:

Updated for NUnit 2.4 (C#, .NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, and Mono)
More NUnit assert methods
New String and Collection assertion support
Better support for multiple-platform development (Mono and .NET)
Higher-level setup and teardown fixtures
...and more!

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That`s the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them. You need automated testing and regression testing to keep the moles from popping up. You don`t test a bridge by driving a single car over it right down the middle lane on a clear, calm day. Yet many programmers approach testing that same way”one pass right down the middle and they call it "tested." Pragmatic programmers can do better than that! With this book, you will:

Write better code, faster
Discover the best hiding places where C# bugs breed
Learn how to think of all the things that could go wrong
Test pieces of code without using the whole .NET project
Use NUnit to simplify your C# test code
Test effectively with the whole team

Real software unit testing will make your life easier. It will make your software design and architecture better and drastically reduce the amount of time you spend debugging you .NET code. About the Authors Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas are coauthors of the original Pragmatic Programmer, several books since, and founded the Pragmatic Bookshelf. ISBN 9788184046298

Pages : 250
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