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  Practical Science Themes: Life Science, Physical Science & Earth Science

Practical Science Themes: Life Science, Physical Science & Earth Science

by Sarah Martin

  Price : Rs 195.00
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  Description: The book provides themes for 20 highly motivating, classroom - tested science units that help students learn by doing. The complete teacher instructions make the units easy to implement. Practical Science Themes covers important topics from Life Science, Earth science and Physical science.

Contents: About Practical Science Themes • Teaching tips • Getting started • National science education standards • Science process skills • Aquarium (Life Science): Students observe interactions between organisms and their environment in an aquairum ecosystem • Sound (Physical Science): Students recognize that sound is produced by vibrations and experiment with volume and pitch • Sun and Shadows (Earth Science): Students experiment with shadows, recognizing how they form and change shape • Nutrition (Life Science): Students conduct tests on various foods to determine their nutritional value • Cold and Heat (Physical Science): students demonstrate how heat moves and experiment with variables that affect the movement of heat • Air (Earth and Physical Science): students identify some of the different properties of air, as well as some of its uses • Bubbles (Physical Science): Students experience with bubble shape, interactions between bubbles, and bubble refraction on light • My Five Senses (Life Science): Students perform a variety of experiments that make use of their different senses • Sink and Float (Physical Science): Students recognize what makes an object sink or float and experiment with variables that determine an object’s tendency to sink or float • Animal Behavior (Life Science): Students gather data on the behavior of mealworms and snails and relate the behavior to each organism’s survival strategy • Water (Earth Science): Students experiment to determine some of the physical properties of water and components of the water cycle • Magnets (Physical Science): Students observe interactions between magnets and magnetic objects, experiment with like and unlike poles, and create a temporary magnet • Plants (Life Science): Students investigate variables that affect the health of plants and identify some of the needs of plants • Colour (Physical Science): Students experiment with colour pigments, colorfilters, and color mixing • Life Cycles (Life Science): Students observe the life cycles of garden pea plants and mealworms • Rocks and Soil (Earth Science): Students observe different rocks and soil types and make inferences about how soil is formed • Light (Physical Science): Students experiment with reflection, lenses, and the visible light spectrum • Weather (Earth science): Students use tools to collect and record weather data over a period of time • Chemistry (Physical Science): Students experiment with different chemicals, observing a number of physical and chemical changes • Microorganisms (Life Science): Students culture a variety of microorganisms and recognize both their helpful and harmful influencesISBN - 9788130902784

Pages : 208
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