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  The Vedic Law of Astrology

The Vedic Law Of Astrology

by Mr Dhiraj Bakshi

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  "God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives you exactly what you deserve."

You may have often seen, two children being born at the same time, same day, one in a rich man`s home, the other to a beggar on the streets. Now the question arises, why God will give such extreme and opposite destinies to two of his children, one gets all the comforts of life, while the other is put on the streets to suffer the strife. Is this justice? God`s justice has been outlined by all great men since the creation of this universe as the perfect one without any inherent flaws. In fact He doesn`t judge, He only rewards the fruits of the karmic deeds of each soul. The Law of Karma clearly indicates that there is good karma and bad karma. The good seeds and good deeds bear good fruits, where-as bad seeds and bad deeds yield bad fruits. There exists an astonishing accounting system, as not a single debt or action ever goes un-paid or not accounted for.

Guru Nanak, a philosopher of the Sikh religion described this law in even more simpler terms, "Air, water and earth, of these we are made. Air gives breath of life, the seed is nurtured by mother earth with help of water, which is like a father. Day and night are our nurses, in their laps we play and this world is our playground. Our acts, right or wrong shall come to judgment, and on that day, some will be seated near Him and some will be kept at a distance." The core meaning of the Law of Karma lies in these words:

On judgment day, who will be seated near Him? The ones whose deeds deserve such honor, who have settled all their debts and completed their karmic journey on earth, and with their good deeds they now have earned their original place back in His Kingdom. And who will be kept at a distance? The ones whose karmic deeds deserve such dishonor, and they will be sent back to earth, again and again, until their karmic debts are settled in full, and they are able to earn such honor to be seated near Him, on judgment day!

God has created a Religious Court of Vedic Law. All the good deeds and the bad deeds of human beings during their life span in different births are recorded and stored for future references to award punishments and benefits to each person.

Vedic laws not only govern our conduct, they are also intended to carry out social policies. For example, laws provide for benefits when workers are injured on the job, for insurance when workers are unemployed, for health care, and for loans to students. Vedic laws are also aimed at ensuring fairness. By recognizing and protecting basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality, Vedic Laws ensure that stronger groups and individuals do not use their powerful positions to take unfair advantage of weaker groups or people. Legal system in Religious Court, based on a tradition of law and justice, gives native alongwith every society of respective country a valuable framework. The rule of Vedic law, freedom under the Vedic law, democratic principles, and respect for others form the foundations of this important heritage.

In an endeavour to enlighten the readers about the concept of Vedic Law. This book contains following chapters :

a) The Nakshatra astrology and The Karmic Law.

b) The Medical Astrology and The Karmic Law.

c) The Benefic and Malefic Yogas and The Karmic Law.

d) The Vimshottari Dasha and The Karmic Law.

e) The Case Study - Arguments of Prosecution & Defence counsel.

f) After listening to the arguments of Prosecution and Defence counsel as mentioned in point (e) this chapter covers - The Official Notings of Judges and The Judgment of Chief Justice Jupiter.

The study of this book is expected to achieve better understanding among the readers.ISBN 1479172928 / 9781479172924

Pages : 514
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