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  Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy

Theory And Practice Of Counseling And Psychotherapy

by Gerald Corey

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Incorporating the thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions of human experience, Corey`s best-selling THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, 9E, offers an easy-to-understand text that helps students compare and contrast the therapeutic models expressed in counseling theories. Corey introduces students to the major theories (psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, Gestalt, reality, behavior, cognitive-behavior, family systems, feminist, and postmodern approaches) and demonstrates how each theory can be applied to a single case ("Stan"). With his trademark style, he shows students how to apply those theories in practice, and helps them learn to integrate the theories into an individualized counseling style. This book is the center of a suite of products that includes a revised student manual, Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy (2013), The Art of Integrative Counseling (2013) and media resources like the DVDs titled "DVD for Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy: The Case of Stan and Lecturettes", and "DVD for Integrative Counseling: The Case of Ruth and Lecturettes," which features the same videos as the Integrative Counseling CD-ROM redesigned for today`s classrooms. A case study focusing on one client, "Stan," appears in each chapter to demonstrate the application of all presented theories and make it easy for students to compare and contrast approaches.
Online technology supplements for both instructor and student include a downloadable Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation for instructors. Access to the same videos featured on the "DVD for Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy: The Case of Stan and Lecturettes" are available online with online quizzing and links to reliable, appropriate websites.
The book``s flexible organization allows professors to cover topics in any order they choose to best meet particular student or course design needs.
Corey``s discussion of current ethical and professional issues facing counseling and human service professionals prepares students for the realities of practice.
A framework for creatively synthesizing the therapeutic models, along with step-by-step guidelines, enhances the book``s focus on helping students draw from the various theoretical models to develop a personalized counseling style.
Two unique concluding chapters show students how to integrate the various theories when working with a client.
Objectives covering key concepts, the therapeutic process, and applications of techniques and procedures are included in each chapter.
At-a-glance charts pinpoint the major differences between theories in areas such as multicultural focus, basic philosophies, and limitations. The charts also help students identify key differences between the approaches.
An online and DVD program, "DVD for Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy: The Case of Stan and Lecturettes" shows how the author works with Stan from each of the theoretical approaches covered in the book and new video lecturettes of the author highlighting key points for each chapter.
An accompanying Student Manual helps readers apply theory to practice through summary charts, open-ended
questions and cases, structured exercises, self-inventories, chapter quizzes, and a variety of activities.
NEW Updated annotated lists of reading suggestions and extensive references are offered at the end of the book referring back to the chapters to stimulate students to expand on the material and broaden their learning through further reading.
NEW Chapter 4, "Psychoanalytic Therapy," offers a broadened discussion of relational psychoanalysis, new material on role of countertransference in psychoanalytic therapy, and a revised and expanded section on brief psychodynamic therapy.
NEW Chapter 5, "Adlerian Therapy," presents revised material on the concept of lifestyle, an expanded discussion of social interest, and new material on early recollections.
NEW Chapter 6, "Existential Therapy," offers revised material on existential themes, more attention on international developments of existential therapy, new material on the main aims of existential therapy, a revised discussion of strengths of the approach from a diversity perspective, and a new discussion of integration of existential concepts in other therapies.
NEW Chapter 7, "Person-Centered Therapy," presents expanded coverage on the influence of Carl Rogers on the counseling profession, a broadened discussion of clients as active self-healers, updated coverage of the therapeutic core conditions, and new material on the diversity of person-centered therapeutic styles.
NEW Chapter 8, "Gestalt Therapy," includes a revised discussion of the role of experiments in Gestalt therapy, more emphasis on therapist presence, and more attention to the relational approach to Gestalt practice.
NEW Chapter 9, "Behavior Therapy," features a broadened discussion of the role of the therapeutic relationship in behavior therapy, a revised section on dialectical behavior therapy, and new material on mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. ISBN - 9788131518984

Pages : 552
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