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  Encyclopaedia Of International Terrorism ( 3 Vols. Set )

Encyclopaedia Of International Terrorism ( 3 Vols. Set )

by Verinder Grover

  Price : Rs 3500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2625.00
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  The twentieth century saw the rise of modern international terrorism. Terrorism is a method whereby an organized group seeks to achieve its avowed aims chiefly through the systematic use of violence. Terroristic acts are directed against persons who are individual agents or representatives of authority interfering with the consummation of the objectives of such a group. Political terrorism is a systematic threat and use of murder and destruction, to terrorize governments, communities or groups in conceding to the terrorists political aims. The terrorists desire that the government as well as the people accept their views and or orders by terror if not by reason. For a quite long time the international community failed to define terrorism. On 9 December 1985 the U.N. General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution condemning all acts of terrorism as criminal. However, the issue of particular acts that actually constitute terrorism was left unresolved. Today terrorism is a worldwide phenomenon. The UN Security Council on 28th September 2001 passed an Anti-Terrorism Resolution to Combat International Terrorism. Over the last two decades there has been a significant increase in the number of terrorist attacks. Despite the efforts of many governments to combat terrorism, it appears to be on the increase and getting more deadlier. Transnational terrorism is also on the increase. Since the terrorist attacks in America on 11th September 2001, there is a collective movement of an international war against terrorism that may last several years. With strikes and action against terrorism a long drawn total fight to wipe out terrorism has started, the 21st Century Was against Terrorism, resulting in a New Global Order. This outstanding work in three volumes studies in depth the various and up-to-date facets of international terrorism, including the recent terrorist attacks in America and the fight back.ISBN:

Pages : 1250
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