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  The One Minute Negotiator

The One Minute Negotiator

by Don Hutson

  Price : Rs 341.00
  Your Price : Rs 306.90
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  Negotiation impacts every aspect of our lives, from the deals we strike on the job to our relationships with family members and neighbors, to the transactions we make as customers. Yet most people do anything they can to avoid negotiation -- it makes them uncomfortable, nervous, even frightened. This plague of "negotiaphobia" is that The One Minute Negotiator will remedy. Don Hutson and George Lucas use an engaging business parable to tell the story of a high-level sales professional who learns to master a simple yet profound approach to negotiations. Jay Baxter sells more than anyone else in his company, but his profit margins are slim. Instead of negotiating the best deal for the company, he`s giving too much away to get the sale. On a company-sponsored cruise he meets the One Minute Negotiator, who teaches him a three-step negotiating process that can be applied to any situation: closing a deal to get your product in a big-box retail store, getting the best loaner car while your car is in the shop, seeking a fair solution after a hotel messes up your reservation, settling on the price for your new home -- in short, any transaction.

The key is flexibility. Most books on negotiation preach one of two gospels: thou shalt collaborate or thou shalt compete. Either everybody works together toward a common goal or the process is basically adversarial. The problem is no two negotiations are alike -- one strategy cannot fit all. The One Minute Negotiator teaches you four potential strategies and shows how to choose the one best suited to the situation, your own inclinations, and the strategy being used by the other side.

Besides the obvious benefits, conquering negotiaphobia will reduce your stress level. You`ll never walk away thinking about what you should have asked for or might have gotten. Instead, with tools Hutson and Lucas provide you can confidently and consistently guide any negotiation to the best possible conclusion. ISBN-9781259003998

Pages : 160
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