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  Formation & Management of Educational Institutions, 3rd Edn.

Formation & Management Of Educational Institutions, 3Rd Edn.

by Abraham Anita

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 391.50
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  With corporate evolution, multi-tasking, downsizing and outsourcing of employees, overtaking traditional work structures, one job for a lifetime is no longer a reality. Coping with these sweeping changes, the education sector has revolutionised to address specific individual needs and encourage persons to continuously re-invent themselves by learning and thereafter apply new skills.

The book is at its best in portraying the mapping of the administrative and operative maze of a typical school or college in India. The book provides an interesting narration of legal Do`s and Don`ts for those involved in providing or obtaining education in and from a systemised organisation.

Recommended as an armchair review of the Indian education sector from the legal standpoint, the book has focused on making the opening and operating of an academic institution in India an achievable task. The book covers all the legal concerns which integrate the institute, the teacher, the staff, the students. The chapters conveniently merge to examine the education experience `legally` from both ends of the spectrum as an educational institution or as recipient of formal education.ISBN:9789350351536

Pages : 498
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