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  The A-Z of the Environment

The A-Z Of The Environment

by Jeremy Stranks

  Price : Rs 1295.00
  Your Price : Rs 1165.50
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  The A-Z of the Environment is a major new reference work covering an area of growing importance to every organization, large and small, private and public.

The environment is a vast area of study embracing many disciplines, such as ecology, law, environmental health, physics, chemistry, biology, toxicology, genetic engineering and radiology.

There has long been a need for an authoritative yet accessible source of reference which expertly summarises the legal, scientific, economic and social issues.

The subject of the environment is now universally topical and employers and operators of businesses need to be aware of the issues, terminology and law involved in order to make decisions that may have an effect on the environment.

The law, in particular, has moved forward at a great pace in the last decade, covering subjects as diverse as the incineration of wastes, the control of landfill sites and of ozone-depleting substances.

In an accessible A-Z format, this book covers everything from Abatement Orders and Acid Rain to Waste Management and Workplace Exposure Limits. It reviews the principal terminology, current legal requirements, the offences, the role of the statutory authorities and the principal environmental health issues. Its aim is to provide those who use it with a ready reference to these issues and to the action they need to take.

Written by an acknowledged expert, it will prove a constant source of reference and assurance to managers and policy-makers across business, industry and government as well as all those with specific managerial, technical and legal responsibility for all aspects relating to the environment.

Key features:

¢ Over 450 separate entries arranged in an accessible topic-by-topic index format
¢ Fully up-to-date with all the latest UK and European legislation
¢ Expert summaries of the law, issues, risks and obligations
¢ A useful risk assessment-based approach
¢ Each entry cross-referenced to other relevant topics
¢ The distilled knowledge of a renowned expert in one prestigious book
¢ Detailed advice on what to do and how to do it ISBN 9788130908519

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