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  Make it in India - Global CEOs, Indo-US Insights

Make It In India - Global Ceos, Indo-Us Insights

by Ranjini Manian, Joanne Grady Huskey

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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  The need of the hour is to develop a more nuanced and deeper understanding of each others’ cultures, working styles and professional concerns. Make it In India is a treasure trove of insights to questions such as these, answered by CEOs, both Indian and American, about doing business successfully in India and abroad. By candidly talking about their own experiences, eleven CEOs from major international corporations give you a close-up look at what it takes for a successful international
company to prosper and thrive in today’s India. From impressive first contacts, human resource and human relations issues to negotiations, gender augmentation and increased efficiency in meetings, this book talks to all your needs which impact the bottom line. “This book, Make it In India comes as a powerful instrument to help people of India and the USA achieve a comfortable and valuable working relationship.’’ N R Narayana Murthy, Founder, Infosys.

India needs infrastructure, and technology for twentyfirst century manufacturing US needs talent in engineering and science to help keep it as the Innovation leader of the world. There is a synergy between the two great democracies that should be enabled through necessary policy changes on both sides.

ISBN - 9789384030841

Pages : 208
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