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  Urban Rural Disparity in Literacy

Urban Rural Disparity In Literacy

by Sneh Sangwan, Anju Dabas, Randhir Singh Sangwan

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  Population is not a homogeneous comprehension and its quantitative and qualitative attributes vary spatially. The division of population into urban and rural components has appeared, perhaps, the most apparent and pervading. Any aspect of economy, society and developmental planning is essentially subjected to apparent dimensions of urban and rural. Accordingly, the literate-illiterate composition of regional population, like any other component of population, implies significant urban-rural distinctiveness. It is found that necessary differences in scale and rate of literacy as and when they are viewed in urban and rural perspectives. The urban segment always scores over the rural segment. The authors have realised this contextual essence and provide an elaborate interpretation of spatio-temporal vision and reality of literacy as qualitative attribute of population in the book. Major focus relates to issues of urban-rural disparity in literacy with particular reference to Haryana as one of the developed States of IndiaISBN:9788180698569

Pages : 214
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