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  Water- A Source for Future Conflicts

Water- A Source For Future Conflicts

by Maj Gen A K Chaturvedi, Avsm, Vsm (Retd)

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  Water, air and sun light are the three most important resources for the sustenance of life on the planet earth. While human race has hardly any control on air and sun light, water from time immemorial has always been used by various kingdoms/ states/ groups of people as an important aspect of their respective security policy to exercise their influence over their adversaries through a control/ denial of common water resources. Such a conflict of interest has often led the concerned stake holders, to go for dispute resolution through an armed skirmish/ battle. It needs to be appreciated that the shortage of water affects food security and the energy security of a country. With depleting resources and increasing demands; the situation is gradually becoming extremely critical and a number of flash points for future conflicts are emerging.

An attempt has been made by the author to identify these flash points and do a `Cause & Effect` analysis of emerging/ potential conflicts particularly in South Asia. Consequently, the end author has also recommended a “Way Ahead” for the consideration of the decision makers of the country.

ISBN - 9789382652069

Pages : 288
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