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   	 Pragmatic Unit Testing In Java with Junit

Pragmatic Unit Testing In Java With Junit

by Dave Thomas, Andy Hunt

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 233.75
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  Learn how to improve your Java coding skills using unit testing. Despite it`s name, unit testing is really a coding technique, not a testing technique. Unit testing is done by programmers, for programmers. It`s primarily for our benefit: we get improved confidence in our code, better ability to make deadlines, less time spent in the debugger, and less time beating on the code to make it work correctly. This book shows how to write tests, but more importantly, it goes where other books fear to tread and gives you concrete advice and examples of what to test--the common things that go wrong in all of our programs. Discover the tricky hiding places where bugs breed, and how to catch them using the freely available JUnit framework. It`s easy to learn how to think of all the things in your code that are likely to break. We`ll show you how with helpful mnemonics, summarized in a handy tip sheet (also available from our www.pragmaticprogrammer.com website) to help you remember all this stuff.
ISBN 9788184040715

Pages : 160
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