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  Life Management

Life Management

by Elisabeth Wilson

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  The Feel Good Factory on Life Management contains simple, no-nonsense ideas to help you reduce both mental and physical clutter and get back to what really matters in life. In thirty practical and down-to-earth chapters you`ll discover the secrets for taking control and getting on top of things before they get on top of you. You`ll find quizzes which point you in the right direction, instant `feel good now` tips that you can put into practice straight away and helpful question and answer sections. You`ll also discover what top-notch celebrities do to sort out their lives (hey, they pay big money for all those life coaches so why not have a go at some of their advice!). With a few minutes a day spent trying some of the techniques in this book you will be able to throw back whatever life throws at you. Become a happier and more fulfilled you!ISBN-9788173142543

Pages : 170
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