The powerful new MARKETING MANAGMENT STRATEGIES, 5e, features its most aggressive case revision program to date. The fifth edition includes six all-new cases written specifically for the text and five new outside cases from Harvard Business School and the Ivey School of Business, while other cases have been updated and, in most cases, rewritten with a new focus. And for the first time, the book includes vibrant photographs and captions—making it an even more exciting read in 12 succinct chapters. MARKETING STRATEGY, 5e, emphasizes teaching students to think and act like marketers. It presents strategy from a perspective that guides strategic marketing management in the social, economic, and technological arenas in which businesses function today—helping students develop a customer-oriented market strategy and market plan. Its practical approach to analyzing, planning, and implementing marketing strategies is based on the creative process involved in applying marketing concepts to the development and implementation of marketing strategy. An emphasis on critical thinking enables students to understand the essence of how marketing decisions fit together to create a coherent strategy. Well-grounded in developing and executing a marketing plan, the text offers a complete planning framework, thorough marketing plan worksheets, and a comprehensive marketing plan example for students to follow. Real-World Emphasis: The goal of MARKETING MANAGMENT STRATEGIES, 5e, is to encourage students to think and act like a marketer. By discussing the key concepts and tools of marketing strategy, the text``s emphasis on critical thinking—both analytical and creative—allows students to understand the essence of how marketing decisions fit together to create an effective, coherent strategy. Each case (except the Harvard and Ivey cases) now includes a brief synopsis at the beginning, along with key case themes. These additions allow instructors and students to quickly get a feel for each case, and help identify how cases and individual chapters may be coordinated. Our complete case package provides up-to-date coverage of topics that are important and relevant to marketing practice in the 21st century. These topics include innovation, social responsibility, sustainability, global sourcing, technology, corporate affairs, and entrepreneurship. An updated set of Marketing Plan Worksheets, provided in Appendix A. The worksheets reflect a concise approach to marketing plan development. However, the worksheets are comprehensive in scope to help ensure that students and/or managers do not omit important issues in developing strategic marketing plans. A revised example marketing plan (VirPharm, Inc.), provided in Appendix B. This marketing plan, based on a virtual case developed by Dr. Hartline, is our most comprehensive example plan to date. Students will find this plan helpful as it illustrates the format and writing style used in creating an actual marketing plan document. A continued user-friendly writing style that covers essential points without heavy use of jargon. Although the text has been completely revised, it remains a friendly 12 chapters in length ISBN - 9788131518632