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  Law Lexicon - With Exhaustive Reference to Indian Case Law. 15th Edn. with FREE CD, (Reprint)

Law Lexicon - With Exhaustive Reference To Indian Case Law. 15Th Edn. With Free Cd, (Reprint)

by Wharton`S

  Price : Rs 1695.00
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  The Wharton`s Law Lexicon remains established as the dictionary of choice for the Legal Profession. This Edition will not only secure the trust of successive generations of users with its comprehensive coverage of legal words and phrases, but also will be delighting them by including more than its share of unusual words used by Justice VR Krishna Iyer. The Wharton`s Law Lexicon stands out like a baroque mansion in a city of faceless concrete. While other single-volume dictionaries concentrate on describing the familiar legal words of our times, only Wharton provides the contemporary user with information on the unfamiliar: the words they may come across in our legal heritage; words from the past as well as the present; unusual words as well as commonly heard ones; words from the different dialects; fascinating words with the power to surprise and amuse. This new edition builds on the major revision of the dictionary in 2009, which subjected the whole text to a thorough review to bring it up-to-date for a modern readership. Readers will find that this edition is much enriched with quotations not only from cases, but also from books, articles and other sources. For this edition I have updated the text where necessary and added hundreds of more new words and meanings. Once again, these reflect the way that legal glossary has changed in recent years. Significant strides have been made both in modernizing this edition and in improving its historical depth. The editors` goal was to make it at once the most scholarly and the most practical edition ever published. In performing this latest revision, I hope to have ensured that the text is kept up-to-date without diminishing from the traditional character of this much-loved dictionary. ISBN : 9788175347397

Pages : 1937
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