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  Public Interest Litigation with Model PIL Formats, 4th Edn.

Public Interest Litigation With Model Pil Formats, 4Th Edn.

by Wadehra Dr. B.L.

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 517.65
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  Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has emerged as an important tool for public justice, especially for those who being short on resources or knowledge or both suffer in silence with none speak for them.

The idea behind this work is to make available to the people a useful understandable and practical guide to Public Interest Litigation, the one that not only helps them understand the theory behind the PIL but also enables them to use it for the society at large as well as for the underprivileged of the society, who for a variety of reasons including illiteracy and poverty, cannot approach the courts themselves.

After the introduction, important cases are given along with the glossary of legal terms and sample PIL petitions, which makes it a comprehensive practical guide for a layman.

Practicing lawyers, law students and the general law fraternity would find the book of immense use, as it encapsulates both the theory and the practice of PIL.ISBN : 9789350351123

Pages : 513
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