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  What If?: The Challenge of Self Realization

What If?: The Challenge Of Self Realization

by Eldon Taylor

  Price : Rs 299.00
  Your Price : Rs 239.20
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  What if you awoke tomorrow with amnesia???no memory of who you are, what you like and dislike, and so on. Would you be the same person? What if, as in the movie The Matrix, you discovered that everything was a simulation and you were just a programmed component? What if everything you believed was false? Who would you be then? Eldon Taylor has been researching the power of the mind for more than 25 years. He has repeatedly demonstrated the overt attempts that have been made to control your thinking. While very interesting in theory, most of us do not understand this on a personal level. It is easy to understand the concept of Mind Programming when it is occurring with someone else, but most would deny that they too are victims. What If? is a very personal book. By using everyday situations and guiding you through numerous thought experiments, Eldon does an excellent job of peeling back the layers and revealing the dissonance in much of your thinking, beliefs, desires, and choices??? contradictory beliefs held at the same time with no apparent awareness. Once you have seen your own mind with the filtered lenses removed, it is impossible to remain the same. That is why so many have praised this work as being absolutely life-changing???not just a fascinating read???but a transformational experience! ISBN-9789380480947

Pages : 272
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