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  Godhra: The Missing Rage

Godhra: The Missing Rage

by S K Modi

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 264.00
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  The English language media has had a bias against the so-called `Hindutva` elements for several decades but since Godhra, the bias has started bordering on hate. This bias is a complex phenomenon, encompassing an intrinsically inefficient and ignorant intelligentsia, ridiculously naive perceptions of profit strategies in the media industry, inadequate articulation on part of the `Sangh Parivar`, cultural effects of globalisation and the age-old habits of grandstanding everything western. Perceived bigotry is being opposed by zealots in the name of secularism and `journalistic terrorism` unleashed by the English language media is being fed grist by a select band of `five star` activists for whom spiting the majority community has becomes a ticket to a luxurious life.

For this media, the enemy is the man who still believes in saying his prayers in the morning. The enemy is the woman who still refuses to wear a pair of jeans and insists on putting a bindi on her f orehead. The enemy is the man who teaches his child to touch the feet of elders. The enemy is the woman who keeps her hair in a single plait. At least for the media industry, the returns of the current strategies are likely to be nominal in the immediate term and negative in the long term.

This book analyses the role of the multitude of factors that have converted bias into a virtual hate campaign.

ISBN - 9788188322442

Pages : 232
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