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   	 Pragmatic Ajax A Web 2.0 Primer

Pragmatic Ajax A Web 2.0 Primer

by Justin Gehtland, Dion Almaer, Ben Galbraith

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 350.00
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  Pragmatic Ajax is about a new way of envisiona¬ing and implementing browser-based applicaa¬tions. Using open standards (HTML/XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript), you can create exciting, responsive applications that are every bit as feature-filled as rich desktop applications. What`s more, you can do it without the heada¬aches of choosing the right cross-platform programming environment and managing the application deployment issues.

This book isn`t wedded to any particular language, toolkit, browser, or architecture.Instead, it explores both the fundamental technologies and the emerging Ajax framea¬works. It takes a honest, unbiased look at the good and the bad when implementing Ajax for Java, .Net, Ruby on Rails, and PHP, using libraries such as Scriptaculous, Prototype, Dojo, SAJAX/NAJAX, and ASP.NET.

Programmers, designers, and managers will find information about this new style of sysa¬tem design and how it integrates with current application development strategies and framea¬works.

Understand the breadth of the Ajax/Web 2.0 landscape, not just one framework
Go in-depth and see how Ajax works in specific environments
Learn how to integrate JavaScript with your server-side framework
See how to (and how not to) apply Ajax techniques to existing applications”easily
Look at new features and frameworks cura¬rently in active development

Your customers expect Ajaxified web applicaa¬tions. This book tells you how to do it right. ISBN 9788184041880

Pages : 310
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