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  Textbook on Indian Partnership Act with Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2nd Edn.

Textbook On Indian Partnership Act With Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2Nd Edn.

by Saharay Madhusudan

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 217.50
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  This book on the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 and the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, is written with firm objectives. It will be not only a valuable guide to the law students, but will also immensely help the legal professionals in this field of law.

Part I of the book deals with the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. The Chapter on Introduction contains (1) Growth of Law of Partnership (2) Partnership Law under different schools of thought, such as Hindu Law of Partnership in India, Babylonian Law of Partnership, Jewish Law of Partnership, Roman Law of Partnership, French Law of Partnership, etc., (3) Seventh Report of Law Commission of India on Partnership Act, 1932 and some other related issues.The provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 have been discussed with sectionwise commentaries. Attempts have been made to make comparative study of the relevant provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 with those of English and other laws of Partnership. Legal aspects of different problems have been incorporated in appropriate places with solutions on the basis of judicial decisions. All upto-date decisions of the Supreme Court of India and important decisions of different High Courts of India have ben given under relevant sections of the Act. Foreign decisions, particularly English and American laws on Partnership, have also been cited in dealing with related provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. The text of the (English) Partnership Act, 1890 is added at the end of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 so that similarity and dissimilarity between the provisions of the said two acts can be easily identified.

Part II of the book deals with the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. This Act is a new one and as such case-laws are not abundant. The provisions of this Act have been discussed mainly in the light of foreign principles.ISBN : 9789350351352

Pages : 310
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