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  Tasks for Language Teachers

Tasks For Language Teachers

by Martin Parrott

  Price : Rs 365.00
  Your Price : Rs 299.30
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  The Tasks in this book are designed to stimulate discussion of key issues related to language teaching and learning. The topics range from the nature and processes of language learning to specific materials and techniques for use by teachers.

The book contains 40 Tasks, of two types. The Discussion Tasks allow users to examine general principles and issues in the context of their specific teaching circumstances, and to exchanges ideas. The Classroom-based Tasks provide a practical framework for small-scale classroom research “ testing out ideas, assumptions and hypotheses in the context of specific classes and learners.

The book is suitable for:
¢ courses leading to formal professional qualifications;
¢ in-service training programmes;
¢ informal professional development.

The introduction for trainers includes suggestion on how to use the Tasks and how to carry out small-scale research in the classroom. It also offers trainers help in devising appropriate additional Tasks for their particular circumstances, and gives ways to evaluate Tasks in use. Detailed trainer`s notes are provided for each Task showing how to integrate the Tasks into training and development programmes. Photocopying of the Tasks for use in groups is permitted.ISBN 9781107400047

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