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  Meditation: The Only Way

Meditation: The Only Way

by Osho

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  In this fascinating collection of talks, Osho indicates how many of the difficulties facing modern humanity can be traced to a simple fact : we don`t know who we are. Rather than asking people to change the world, he asks us to first change ourselves. Once we recognize the individuality that we came into this World with, a Golden future-one in which every human being can live joyously, according to his own nature-becomes available to each and every one of us. Responding to a wide variety of questions Osho offers straightforward answers and Solutions to current problems that are both insightful and practical.

"The man who is himself, unburdened of the past, discontinuous with the past, original, strong as a lion and innocent as a child... he can reach to the stars, or even beyond the stars; his future is golden. Up to now people have always been talking about the golden past. My people have to Learn the Language of the golden future." ISBN 9788176211833

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