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  Teaching of English

Teaching Of English

by Mrs Elizabeth P Christia

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 236.00
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  he book Teaching of English deals with research in English language. Language is the vehicle of social interaction and people need effective language to function properly in the workplace, social interaction and indeed for functional literacy. Many linguistics and educators work hard to resolve the problems of maintaining the standard of English. Lots of articles and conferences are published or held. Of course, few studies have attempted to examine these aspects.

This book primarily has specific chapters. The presently study is conducted in Ahmedabad city is an attempt in this direction. It is widely accepted by Gujarat State Board and their officers that Gujarat does not have enough teachers of English to meet the demand for English language classes. In some schools, teachers who themselves do not speak English teach English in their vernacular language classes. Their students learn English grammar rules and repeat context-less words and phrases but they are not able to communicate in English. This book also contains contents about initiative taken by Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Central Government and Human Resouce Development. It is hoped that its findings will help to understand the procedure problems of quality education in English medium for effective teaching strategy at the grassroot level.

Contents: ISBN 9789331317278

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