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  The Marriage of Opposites

The Marriage Of Opposites

by Alice Hoffman

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 440.00
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  From the bestselling author of The Dovekeepers comes a love storyabout one of history`s most captivating `invisible` women: Rachel,the mother of Impressionist painter Camille Pissarro.Growing up on the idyllic island of St Thomas in the early 1800s, Racheldreams of life in faraway Paris. Rachel`s mother, a pillar of their tight-knit ref-ugee community of Jews who escaped the European Inquisition, has neverforgiven her daughter for refusing to live by the rules. But Rachel`s fate is notin her own hands: in order to secure the future of her father`s business, she ismarried off to a widower with three children. When her husband dies suddenlyand his handsome nephew Frederic arrives from France to settle the estate,Rachel seizes control of her life, beginning a defiant, passionate love affair thatsparks a scandal affecting her entire family, including her favourite son, Ca-mille Pissarro, who will one day become a founder member of the Impression-ists and one of history`s greatest artists.Set in a world of lush, exquisite beauty, The Marriage of Opposites shows AliceHoffman at the height of her considerable powers. The marriage of Rachel andFrederic is an unforgettable story of an extraordinary woman and her forbid-den love.

ISBN - 9781471112102

Pages : 384
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