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  Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 6th Edition

Physical Chemistry Of Surfaces 6Th Edition

by Arthur W. Adamson, Alice P. Gast

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 1015.75
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  Bridging the methodologies of "wet" and "dry" surface chemistry to present surface chemistry as a single broad field, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Sixth Edition retains its position as the standard work of surface science. This heavily revised and updated edition begins with the basics of the physical chemistry of liquid-gas and liquid-solid interfaces, including electro-chemistry, long-range forces, and the various methods of spectroscopic and structural study of surfaces. These are followed by descriptive treatments of topics such as friction, lubrication, adhesion and emulsion, foams, and aerosols. Closing chapters present a quantitative approach to physical and chemical adsorption of vapors and gases as well as heterogeneous catalysis. ¢ Capillarity. ¢ The Nature and Thermodynamics of Liquid Interfaces. ¢ Surface Films on Liquid Substrates. ¢ Electrical Aspects of Surface Chemistry. ¢ Long-Range Forces. ¢ Surfaces of Solids. ¢ Surfaces of Solids: Microscopy and Spectroscopy. ¢ The Formation of a New Phase-Nucleation and Crystal Growth. ¢ The Solid-Liquid Interface-Contact Angle. ¢ The Solid-Liquid Interface-Adsorption from Solution. ¢ Frication, Lubrication, and Adhesion. ¢ Wetting, Flotation, and Detergency. ¢ Emulsions, Foams, and Aerosols. ¢ Macromolecular Surface Films, Charged Films, and Langmuir-Blodgett Layers. ¢ The Solid-Gas Interface-General Considerations. ¢ Adsorption of Gases and Vapors on Solids. ¢ Chemisorption and Catalysis.ISBN-9788126534173

Pages : 808
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