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  Project Management for Engineering, Business, and Technology

Project Management For Engineering, Business, And Technology

by John M. Nicholas, Herman Steyn

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 594.15
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  This new edition is a direct response to the ever-growing need for better project management which covers the basics, but also addresses more-technical topics in much greater depth than any other book. Case studies and examples from engineering and technology projects are utilized to prepare technical and business students for management positions in technical fields. It`s thorough yet accessible approach makes this text an ideal resource and reference for anyone studying or practicing project management within engineering or business.

Includes case studies, examples and background on managing business, engineering, and technology projects to add context for specialists and prepare business students for managing projects in technical industry.

New edition features closer alignment with PMBOK terms and definitions, simplified chapter summaries, several new case studies throughout, and expanded coverage of communication and leadership issues such as conflict resolution and the management of distributed teams

Extensive instructor support materials, including a test bank of questions and answers, PowerPoint slides, case studies and links to further reading, when you log in to Elsevier`s textbook site http://textbooks.elsevier.com/ ISBN-9780080967042

Pages : 704
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